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What is the Runway to Certification?

The Runway to Certification is a program designed to help you determine if certification is right for you and support you throughout the certification process with tips and tools.Ā 

Stage 1: Weekly emails and videos to help you clearly know if certification is right for you.

Stage 2: Online portal with resources and tip sheets to help you gather your documents.

Stage 3: Online community to engage with others and build connections.

We want to see you soar with certification and will support you along your journey from start to finish

Thank you to our Runway Partner, Duke Energy!

Duke Energy is committed to seeing more women business owners receive their WBENC certification. We are thrilled to partner with them on this important initiative.

Started the WBENC Application and looking for more support?

If you have already started a WBENC application and want access to resources, complete this form to gain access to The Runway Portal.

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